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Japanese camellia "Principessa Baciocchi"

Camellia japonica "Principessa Baciocchi"
Srednje velika, pokončna, počasi rastoča zimzelena grmovnica (V 1-2 m, Š 1 m). Listi široko ovalni (5-8 cm), usnjati, gladki, bleščeči, zelo temno zeleni, spodaj svetlejši. Cvetovi veliki, čašasti (4-6 cm), delno vrstnati, temno roza-rdeči, dišeči. Cvetenje: februar-maj. Najbolje uspeva v zelo rahlih, humoznih, kislih tleh, v polsenci ali svetli senci, na zavetni legi. Potrebuje rahlo zimsko zaščito (zastirka).
Sunny shady position

These plants grow well in sun or in partial shade. Usually they tolerate more sun and heat if given enough moisture; in partial or light shade they need less moisture.

Conifer deciduous tree with plant

Decidious have woody stems (i. e. tree trunk and branches) and are also called woody plants or trees. Leaves are normally broad, soft and thin.

Sour soil request

This group includes plants that cannot tolerate limestone (chalk) and need acidic soils to grow normally, this is soil, of which pH must lower tahn 6. According to pH value (acidity and alkalinity), soil can be either acidic, neutral or alkaline, with intermediate levels. Fertile, quality garden soils of most gardens and parks are  slightly acidic to neutral (pH 6-7) and suit most of plants. If soil contains a lot of calcium (limy soils), it is alkaline soil. Acidic soils contain much less calcium, they can be richer in humus. Some acidic soils are washed out and poor in plant nutrients. Plants like, for example most of the rhododendrons, heather, camelias and bluberries, grow normally only in distinctively acidic soils, so such soil must be attained when planting. Most of other plants do grow well in slightly acidic soils, but grow as well also in neutral soils with a bit higher calcium content.

Deciduous evergreen plant partially true

Leaves or needles remain on the plant for several consecutive years, usually 2 to 5 years. Our descriptions contain the word evergreen.

Presumed strength

Plant can in otherwise appropriate environment survive cold down to - 18 °C.

Soil humidity

Porous or dry soils are normally light and loose, there is no stagnant water but relatively quickly flows in deeper layers; such ground are more airy and warmer, yet drier and usually contain less humus and for such undergrowth it is often to for drought to appear (e. g. rockgardens, walls, by paths and roads, on gravel, also on gravel surface in towns and close to buildings ...), plants of such undergrowth need well-drained soil, they tolerate drought but cannot tolerate constant moisture or even flooding.

Growth shape

Woody plant, normally branched at the ground level into several side stems, usually lacks of a dominant stem. Tree top can be of different shapes, dense or thin, symetric or uneven. Most shrubs reach a height of 1 to 2 metres, but some can grow much higher (up to 8 m); some can grow into very low or carpet-like forms.

Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' C1,5/P14 YOUNG PLANTS
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' C1,5/P14 YOUNG PLANTS
SKU W.2689576
Special:Available from Week 6, 2025!
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: Orders from Thursday 0:00 a.m. to Wednesday 11:59 p.m. next week are with us until Saturday the week after that
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 10008
4.05 € /PART
3.70 € Excluding tax
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' P9 YOUNG PLANTS
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' P9 YOUNG PLANTS
SKU W.2697401
Special:Available from Week 6, 2025!
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: Orders from Thursday 0:00 a.m. to Wednesday 11:59 p.m. next week are with us until Saturday the week after that
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 960
4.65 € /PART
4.25 € Excluding tax
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' C3/P19 40-50 CM
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' C3/P19 40-50 CM
SKU W.2710336
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: Orders from Thursday 0:00 a.m. to Wednesday 11:59 p.m. next week are with us until Saturday the week after that
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 777
21.90 € /PART
20.00 € Excluding tax
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' C5/P23 60-70 CM
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' C5/P23 60-70 CM
SKU W.2696414
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: Orders from Thursday 0:00 a.m. to Wednesday 11:59 p.m. next week are with us until Saturday the week after that
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 646
36.60 € /PART
33.42 € Excluding tax
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' C5/P23 60-80 CM
Camellia j. 'Principessa Baciocchi' C5/P23 60-80 CM
SKU W.2710752
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: Orders from Thursday 0:00 a.m. to Wednesday 11:59 p.m. next week are with us until Saturday the week after that
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 255
39.45 € /PART
36.03 € Excluding tax
Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Position/Location Sun to partial shade
Suitable for acidic soil yes
Deciduous / Evergreen evergreen shrub
Hibernation winter hardy -6 to -18 °C
Moisture/Humidity dry soil
Basic leaf colour
Width of growth width up to 1 m
Jesenska barvitost Ne
Plant Type Deciduous tree
Fruit blossom period/season ne
Blossom season/time February-May
Basic leaf / needles colour
Durability No
Height of growth shrubs medium - 1,5 to 3 m
Fruit edibility no

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