THE ROYAL SHADE PLUS Grass Blend is suitable for warm continental and Mediterranean climates with a special focus on shaded areas. The seed is treated with a preparation containing a mixture of beneficial microorganisms that activates the symbiotic effect and causes a natural defense against pathogenic fungi in plants. Due to its composition, it allows grassing of shadow positions with the help of improved photosynthesis ability. The lawn meets the highest aesthetic requirements for dark – green coloration, narrow, gentle leaf, overgrowth and density. It consists of varieties of red fescue, perennial ryegrass, sheep fescue and Chewing's fescue.
35% red fescue (Festuca rubra rubra Audubon), 30% perennial ryegrass (Loietto perenne Thrive), 20% sheep fescue (Festuca ovina duriuscola), 15% Chewing's fescue (Festuca rubra commutata).
Sowing norm: 45-50 g/m2.
Recommended sowing time: from March to June and from August to October.