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rose fountain grass "Summer Samba"

Pennisetum setaceum "Summer Samba"
Medium-sized, bushy, frost tender deciduous ornamental grass, grown as an annual (H 90-120 cm, W 50 cm). Leaves upright to slightly drooping, narrow, linear (up to 50 cm), variegated, dark green, dark red. Flowers in large spikes, light red to wine red. Flowering period: July-September. Good also as a container-plant.
Sunny shady position

Plants for destinctively sunny sites need and tolerate a lot of direct sun radiation (eg. roses, even more spurge (euphorbia myrsinites) , sea buckthorn, sedum, most of rock-garden plants, cactuses etc). Mostly, but not necessarily, these plants can also tolerate drought. Roses need more water and noursihments and rich, deep, fetile soil, while white stonecrop survives more weeks in dry soil without rain or watering and can grow normally in poor, sandy soil as well.

Conifer deciduous tree with plant

Herbaceous plants are not woody. Their stems are soft, usually remaining green. With some herabceous older stems may harden and look like woody stems (e. g. bamboo).

Deciduous evergreen plant partially true

The plant develops new leaves or needles every spring, which dropp off in autumn. Herbaceous plants can die completely in above ground section and grow back in the spring.

Presumed strength

Plant is cold/frost sensitive, mainly cannot survive temperature below freezing point (0 °C) or requires significantly higher temperature to live (e. g. some tropical plants). Required minimal temperatures for certain plants are given in detailed descriptions.

Soil humidity

Porous or dry soils are normally light and loose, there is no stagnant water but relatively quickly flows in deeper layers; such ground are more airy and warmer, yet drier and usually contain less humus and for such undergrowth it is often to for drought to appear (e. g. rockgardens, walls, by paths and roads, on gravel, also on gravel surface in towns and close to buildings ...), plants of such undergrowth need well-drained soil, they tolerate drought but cannot tolerate constant moisture or even flooding.

Growth shape

Herbaceous plant, finishing its life cycle in one year. Some annuals can overwintwer as seedlings and produce flowers the following year. Annuals normally bloom only one season.

Motley leaf

Variegated leaves show patterns of different colours, mostly white or yellow pattern on green base. Patterns can appear in forms of stripes, dots, patches, trims, uneven shapes, or colour is splashed over leaf surface; different colour patterns may have sharp borderlines or change softly one to another. Colour intensivity and needle/leaves patterns formation on certain plant may vary greatly according to general plant health and condition, age, maintanance (trimming and care); other factors such as weather, microclimate, sun or shade, presence of plant nutrients and water may also affect greatly on leaf colour. Colouring and patterns on leaves may be affected - changed - by the age of certain leaf or twig and through seasons.

Pennisetum 'Summer Samba' C2/P17
SKU W.2347543
Delivery date: expected up to 7 days after receiving the goods
Delivery: Orders from Thursday 0:00 a.m. to Wednesday 11:59 p.m. next week are with us until Saturday the week after that
Partner stock:
Informational stock: 360
12.30 € /PART
11.23 € Excluding tax
Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Width of growth width up to 1 m
Blossom season/time July-September
Hibernation frost tender - to 0 °C
Basic leaf / needles colour
Moisture/Humidity dry soil
Fruit edibility no
Deciduous / Evergreen deciduous annual
Fruit blossom period/season ne
Position/Location Sun
Plant Type Herbaceous plant
Basic leaf colour
Height of growth annuals - 0,5 to 1 m
Durability No
Jesenska barvitost Ne
Rastlin na m2 2-3

The online offer is not the entire offer of Moga d.o.o. - for a possible offer of a different size, plant quality or variety, send an inquiry to [email protected]